Saturday, September 15, 2012

Overnight Baked French Toast

French toast is something that I've had to learn to love as I got older. When I was younger I thought it was kind of weird and we didn't really eat it in my family so it was only something that I ate when I was at friends houses or sleepovers. As I have gotten older not only do I realize that french toast is actually really good but it's also something that can easily go so wrong, hence the many years it took me to appreciate it.
I found this pin on Pinterest and thought it sounded pretty good and would make it so easy to have a delicious breakfast without having to put the work in so early in the morning. Unfortunately that's not what I got.
It was super easy and was nice to be able to just wake up, pop it in the oven and serve but it was so disappointing that I would have rather put the effort in and had a delicious meal. The first problem was the layer lining the bottom of the pan with brown sugar and butter. It was a pretty thick layer so I doubted that it would all soak into the bread which is what I assumed was the purpose but it didn't soak in at all and ended up just a thick crusty layer that didn't come out of the pan with consistency which made sugar lumps stuck to the bottom of the toast. Gross!
My second problem was the layers. The middle layer of course was able to soak up more of the egg mixture which made it super soggy while the top layer was more dried out. I really don't like soggy french toast.
Was this disgusting? No. It was just disappointing and definitely not something I will feel the need to make again. The flavor was boring and the texture wasn't great. I did love how easy it was and that it didn't require ingredients that meant a trip to the store. I will probably be searching out another recipe for baked french toast for that reason I'm just disappointed this one wasn't it.

Ease: Thumbs Up!
Cost: Thumbs Up!
Flavor: Thumbs Down
Overall Reaction: Thumbs Down

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